Our Missions

Mission 2: To raise money to put towards research of new drugs and treatments for pediatric cancers. To raise awareness for pediatric cancers and the lack of funding and research surrounding them.

We accomplish this mission through several ways.First we have held our own fundraisers (Catch the Wave, Balloon Pop, Angel Run, Paint Nite) , second I have participated in large fundraisers for pediatric cancer (Great Cycle Challenge, Alex's Million Mile Run, 46 Mommas Lucky 7 Shave), and third we attend events that raise awareness for pediatric cancer such as CureFest. We also work to get buildings and landmarks (like Niagara Falls) to light up Gold in September and places like the city of Orlando to declare September Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month.

Who We Are

Mission 1: To provide care bags filled with comfort items to children under two who are battling cancer or other long term illnesses requiring hospitalization. To provide cards and yellow ribbon beads to any child with cancer.

When Aiden was in the hospital we realized that although many people wanted to reach out and help they didn't necessarily know what to get for someone as young as Aiden, even many nonprofits out there already didn't have things specific to his age group. That is why we provide some items that we found comforted Aiden to any child (in the US) going through cancer treatments or battling other life threatening illnesses. 

Aiden received many cards and he loved to see the outsides and have them hanging up in his room. He also participated in a wonderful program called Beads of Courage. That is why we aim to provide cards and gold/yellow ribbon beads to children of any age battling cancer.

Mission 4: To never give up and to always remember those who we have lost to this battle, who have battled, or are currently fighting cancer with everything their little bodies have.

You will notice I talk about Aiden all the time and i share memories and videos. Never be afraid to talk about your child with us or the Aiden's Army community. If you do not want it public but want to talk or share in a more private setting we have a closed facebook group for that purpose. Let us know if you are interested. In the meantime check out this video about who we are and why we do what we do and be sure to check out our In The News section of our website.

Mission 3: To provide toys, pajamas, and books to children's hospitals and the kids who are there far too often. This will be done through annual drives and donated to hospitals close to our hearts.

This began before the nonprofit did to be honest with you. We started collecting the October before Aiden passed away and made two deliveries of toys because we had so much. The first the day before Aiden passed away and the second a few weeks later. We collect toys and books to deliver in December and pajamas and crafts to deliver in June. We try to work with the two hospitals Aiden was treated at Women and Children's Hospital in Buffalo NY and Florida Hospital for Children in Orlando FL. 

Aiden's Army